This week, we did get to make some new acquaintances in Jay & Martha Swinney from New Mexico and Matthew & Sheila Nasekos from Mississippi, in addition to the Pretres and the Pushes, who are also adopting from Ukraine. Welcome to our world. Knowing we are not alone makes this much more bearable.
Starting from the top left: Martha & Jay Swinney; Mari & Brad Wildeman; Sheila & Matthew Nesekos; Mark, Nancy & Alan Pretre
Here we are, waiting for our Thursday, December 18 court date (emphasize ‘Waiting’). We haven’t heard from Alyona in a couple of days, so, it’s time to ping her to see if we are still on track. Bad news… The SDAPRC in their finite wisdom and in their efforts to “look out for the best interest of the children” have once again changed the rules and are requiring more paperwork. As for the rules being changed in the middle of the game… Doesn’t one think it would benefit all involved parties to know what those rule changes are? Also, shouldn’t adequate guidance and necessary tools be provided to ensure smooth transition to the new rule set?
Per the new rule changes, the SDA requires the Administration in Odessa to notarize/stamp our application (not previously required and they don’t have a stamp to put on it) AND they want a statement from Vera stating she actually WANTS to be adopted (also not previously required). What does that mean to us?? It means that our court date could possibly be pushed back until mid-January (After the Orthodox Christmas holiday). If that happens, the adoption will probably not be completed until mid- February.
Oh! To be a consultant in Ukraine!!! Just think about how much the process could be streamlined.
We are also dealing with health issues for our daughter back home. We’re not exactly sure what’s going on yet. Mari’s parents are there to help out, so we have some peace of mind, but it’s not the same as being there and being directly involved with the process. Thursday evening I spent nearly 6 hours on the Skype phone (at 2 cents a minute – SPECIBA!!!) between our insurance company and three different medical facilities to get necessary referrals and appointments so she could have tests done on Friday. Keep Kelsey in your thoughts and prayers that it is not serious.
Please keep the Swinneys, Pretres, Nasekos, Pushes and us in your thoughts and prayers during this holiday season in Ukraine. Pray that at some point in time the SDAPRC will apply some common sense to the adoption process and actually look out for the children rather than their own interests.
"Charlie Brown" Christmas tree in Kompot restaurant
When you think they've done everything they could do to slow down adoptions, they think of something else! The whole country is about the right stamps and signatures and notarizing!:0
We'll be praying that you do get that December 18th date. We were there last December (arrived the 10th) and didn't have our court date until January 8th. It was so hard waiting through 'the holidays'. We also were in the same position as the Pushes.
Wow what a great looking bunch! Sorry to hear about your delays. Situation normal in this place is all screwed up. I hope you can get back home soon to see your daughter. Blessings to you.
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