We, of course are at the mercy of our hosts as far as appointments are concerned. Alyona is rather industrious in handling much of our paperwork without us, but there has been that one time when she needed us to sign documents. But I digress from this story line…
Time to escape… Not exactly sure where we want to go, but just go… somewhere… anywhere but the room; after all, even caged birds need to spread their wings once in a while. Unfortunately our primary mode of transportation is bipedal (our own two feet); perhaps it is fortunate, because we can see and appreciate more.
It is a beautiful park, well kept, and busy for a beautiful Sunday afternoon. Parents walking with infants in strollers, elderly couples holding hands, young people singing/dancing for loose change in the pockets of passers-by, and the list goes on. We walk for exercise, for fresh air, and for scenery… Have we found what we are looking for? A longing for a much simpler life away from the constant drone of work or instant gratification from TV, video games, and fast food ( a cruel irony since they have McDonald‘s here)? Maybe we have found it, but this is temporary…
Cabin fever can hit us in so many different ways. The obvious manner in which we are cooped up in our apartment, and can actually expand to the point where one is in a city of over 1,000,000 people and “there’s nothing to do”. The best way we found to avoid, or at least reduce the effects of it, is to actually find something to do, whether it be read a book, do a crossword, or take a walk around the block. It may not change your surroundings, but you may just find something new in them.
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